“To say Wise Group has helped is an understatement. I am now employed with the help of Wise Group, the people are continuing to help me and I feel so proud. I am looking forward to where it goes from here.” Stephen, Fair Start Scotland participant, East Ayrshire
Why Stephen joined Fair Start Scotland service?
Stephen 40, previously held a managerial position within the energy industry before leaving two years ago following a build up in anxiety and depression.
After hearing about the new employment service Fair Start Scotland, Stephen took the decision to join and was referred to one of our partners The Wise Group, which deliver the service on our behalf in East Ayrshire.
How Fair Start Scotland helped
It was clear from the outset that Stephen was visibly anxious and uncomfortable in the office. Through open and frank discussion, he confided to his personal adviser Lorna that he had a large debt which he had been ignoring which had contributed to his current situation.
But with the support of Lorna, Stephen was referred to Citizens Advice where he gained help with resolving his debt issues and help applying to become a volunteer.
Through weekly sessions, Lorna supported him with a new CV and an online profile to help his ongoing job search. Stephen also worked through mock interview situations so when the time came, he could impress employers.
Stephen confidence started to return and he was receiving help to manage his financial issues. With this under control Stephen was ready to return to work – and in a sector he was familiar with.
Stephen was successful in gaining employment in with the Home Energy Scotland project, using his vast array of knowledge from a previous job once again.
He said: “I wanted to change my situation but wanted to make sure that my last 20-25 years of employment, if I was lucky enough to have good health, was spent doing something that I wanted to do and where I was valued as a person.”